Honestly not much has happened today. I stayed up really late last night and then slept in till about ten am which is unusual for me. I like to be up by nine and functioning on a normal schedule. Alas the Sunday nap I usually take got delayed till late so I was just out of sync from the norm.
So a few things I wanted to brig up.

WTF snow. I know it's November in Ohio and snow is not something shocking for this time of the year. However I wasn't expecting it... well I was since I saw the weather but I didn't want it to happen. I hate the snow. What I hate the most about it is that people put down salt. I'm quite short so my pants generally hit the ground even when I get them in 'short' size. When people put down salt you can see it when the water dries! It's such a pain in the ass because it looks gross and I can't get two wears out of them and need to do laundry more frequently. Which I don't like because it's in the basement and it's scary down there with all the locked storage. That picture was at about ... five hours ago. The ground is now completely covered and I'm not happy.
In weekend randomness I got new shoes! I got new sneakers this summer because camp murders shoes and I needed new ones while I was there. Then I went to Scotland and came home and... lost them. How does one lose shoes? I'm not exactly sure all I know is when we got home from Scotland I took them off in the living room of my parents house and then never saw them again. This happen to a lot of stuff at my parents house. Usually they'll put something in my old bedroom in some place I would never put them like in the closet. But I looked in all these places they might put shoes and they weren't there or in any of the places I would put shoes (like lined up at the end of my bed). I have a theory on them having ended up with my sister's stuff and she took them back to school with her. However she hasn't mentioned finding any shoes that are to small for her.
Back to the shoes. I got the sneakers which are uninteresting. What is awesome is I got CROCS. I know crocks have been around for awhile but I've never had real one. Better yet I got pink ones! I've worn sad wal-mart crocs in the rain and in general found my feet didn't get wet. I had the crocs on when I got the mail today and snow doesn't do the same thing. Here's my crocs and my to long jeans because I felt like taking another picture.

In addition to the other candy we made this weekend I baked 7 doz. cookies and helped make two batches of fudge. Yes, it was a productive cooking weekend indeed. I also burned the first batch of cookies so it doesn't count. I guess it was really 8.
I went back to whitening my teeth this week. I took the summer off because it's a pain in the ass to do when you're on a feeding schedule at camp. I didn't have the hour after I take them off to go before eating and avoiding specific foods that are known to stain since we didn't have choices about food at all. So back at it, and I'll do my best not to complain about it making them sensitive.
Last thing really. I got more hours added at work. WOOT.
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