So in case you missed it my neighbor is a drag queen. Yeah, rewind a few entries and you can read more about it. The short version is he's a drag queen who lives with his twice ex wife is a recovering drug addict on parole and in treatment for hep C.
Today he sent me to the drugstore with his ex-wife/roomie to make copies of pictures. These were all the latest picture of him in drag which I took. Then we get back and an hour later he knocks on my door and gives me a copy with a sentimental message on it.
Yes, this is sweet and all but it made me realize more and more than 'Rave' (his alter-ego the drag queen) has been coming out more and more. Now I adore him anyways but when taking a 300lbs 6' 4'' man around in public the last thing you need him to do is launch into 'Rave' the bitchy southern woman at the checkout counter. The other day he got toilet paper for free because the plastic got caught in the belt. Rave was about to 'knock a bitch out'. He then pulled out the brick he keeps in his handbag just in case.
I think all this has happened because the guy across the hall who was always just 'the dude across the hall' had his boyfriend move in last week. This boyfriend also does drag. Once 'Rave's' ex-wife moves out later this week I will be the only a)heterosexual, b)real female downstairs.
When I pictured having my own apartment I didn't imagine it quite like this. My life really does feel like a sitcom/HBO special at times.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Where were you when history was made?
When Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States I was serving lunch to the residents and the rest of the staff. It was a normal day tuna salad sandwiches with fried egg and toast sandwich as the alternative. I made a special apple cobbler to celebrate the occasion. The meal was spent trying to listen to the amazing speach and poetry reading while fielding questions and assuing a resident I was not a rogue CIA agent. Then there was the clean up with thoughts of unity and pride replaying in my mind.
I wonder what other people's experience was? Did they only hear the manufactured news soundbites later because they had to run to the restroom? Was there an epic scene from a movie where the factory assembly line paused so every employee could huddle around a tiny tv with antenna's to witness this great event? Did a caregiver miss the speach attempting to replace a hearing aid battery for their Grandparent? Was there a Mother sleeping though it all because her baby was finally resting? Did third graders pause not completely knowing how important this was?
Where were you when history was made?
I wonder what other people's experience was? Did they only hear the manufactured news soundbites later because they had to run to the restroom? Was there an epic scene from a movie where the factory assembly line paused so every employee could huddle around a tiny tv with antenna's to witness this great event? Did a caregiver miss the speach attempting to replace a hearing aid battery for their Grandparent? Was there a Mother sleeping though it all because her baby was finally resting? Did third graders pause not completely knowing how important this was?
Where were you when history was made?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Frak you social life
It's always interesting attempting to explain to people what's so awesome about a show that airs on the sci-fi channel when they just aren't that into it. You can try to explain what a Peabody Award is or how it's like the West Wing in space with more shooting and fake swears but they just don't get it. We're so indoctrinated with crap TV that when something good comes along many won't give it a chance because it's different and on cable. BSG hasn't changed much but I know it set a bar for what I expect out of television programming and let me tell you the Biggest Loser, American Idol, Superstars of Dance, The Bachlor or any of The Hills spin-offs couldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
If you don't watch Battlestar you should. All you have to do is go to the sci-fi channel site for the show and do the 'catch the frak up' bits and you'll be ok to go. I'm not saying watching all the episodes wouldn't be better but the catching up will at least get you going. Don't be daunted by the myths and such of the show because it's going to end meaning it's only been on for four seasons (ok so maybe it's been more like five or six years but really four seasons and a mini-series). Trust me when I say you're missing out on the gratest show on tv if you aren't watching.
So the long and short of it is when people at work ask me if I'm going out on friday and I say 'frak no I'm watching BSG tonight' it's in no way a bad thing because they're the ones missing out.
If you don't watch Battlestar you should. All you have to do is go to the sci-fi channel site for the show and do the 'catch the frak up' bits and you'll be ok to go. I'm not saying watching all the episodes wouldn't be better but the catching up will at least get you going. Don't be daunted by the myths and such of the show because it's going to end meaning it's only been on for four seasons (ok so maybe it's been more like five or six years but really four seasons and a mini-series). Trust me when I say you're missing out on the gratest show on tv if you aren't watching.
So the long and short of it is when people at work ask me if I'm going out on friday and I say 'frak no I'm watching BSG tonight' it's in no way a bad thing because they're the ones missing out.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Book Meme I found
1. What are you currently reading? If you're not reading anything right now, what was the last book you read?
I'm reading 'World Without End' by Ken Follett. It's the kind of sequel to his other book 'Pillars of the Earth'. It's pretty great so far and Pillars was awesome. They're a bit daunting though because they're quite look and the larger the book the less likely someone is to randomly pick it up I think. I will say there was great joy for me in finishing Pillars because it was so long. I'm also reading 'Youtube an Insider's Guide to Cilmbing the Chart' byAlan Lastufka & Michael W. Dean. This is much slower going for me though because I have trouble reading information/how to books straight through. It's an entertaining and informative book though so my lack of skills in that kind of reading isn't a comment on it.
2. Where is your favorite place to get your books from?
Generally I get them from Amazon. I like going to the book store but honestly shopping in a store is not my thing. I can go in there with an objective and not end up with what I needed and a million other things I don't or I walk in just wanting to explore and find nothing I like. I don't really like how most book stores are organized either with specific books up front when some awesome little gem is stuck in some dark neglected corner.
3. Name a book you read and did not enjoy.
This one goes to 'The Time Traveler's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger. I read it at camp this summer and I had a lot of people telling me how awesome it was and how I should love it but I just didn't. It was good but not what I wanted it to be. I was also spoiled because someone told me Eric Bana was playing the main male Henry and it just kind of messed with what I had going on in my head for the character. Actually I think knowing Bana was doing the movie killed it for me I just always think of Chopper and that random comedy show he did forever ago. Being shown those by friends and the awful event that was his Hulk movie kind of put me off him for life.
4. How has your taste in books changed over the years? What types of books do you read now as opposed to five years ago?
Well five years ago I was mostly reading things for school so my personal taste hasn't changed to much. I still like historical fiction with a dash of young adult (even if I am 24) and classics. I know I would have finished the Hornblower Series before this time so at 19 I'd say I would have been reading mostly for my Athurian History/English class.
5. When you walk into your favorite bookstore, where do you go? Mystery...Romance...Latest Releases....Non-Fiction...etc?
The problem is I never know where to go. I usually head for general fiction and then over to non-fiction/history/biography. Yes, I like to read the odd biography and history book. What can I say I loved 'Citizen Solider' and 'Band of Brother's' by Stephen Ambrose.
6. If you could have a conversation with any character from a book who would it be?
I'm going to take flack for this but I don't care. I would really love to speak with Charlie from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky. Many events of his life in the book never happened to me but I think as a person I found him extremely relateable. If you haven't read this book you should. At one point I had three copies so I could always have one when the other two were on loan out to my friends. In fact I have it right next to me in my desk drawer.
7. What's next on the book list and what did I just finish?
After World without end I'll be reading 'Paper Towns' by John Green and then 'The Shack' by William P. Young. I know I suck for not having gotten to Paper Towns yet but I had to wate for christmas money and I got 'World Without End' before Paper Towns' came in. I've been putting off 'The Shack' since halloween when my Mom gave me a copy. I promised her I'd read it so I need to make time for it. Previous to starting 'World Without End' I was reading 'The Intimate Adventures of a Call Girl' by Belle de Jour and 'Mansfield Park' by Jane Austin. I think all these qualify my taste as eclectic.
I'm reading 'World Without End' by Ken Follett. It's the kind of sequel to his other book 'Pillars of the Earth'. It's pretty great so far and Pillars was awesome. They're a bit daunting though because they're quite look and the larger the book the less likely someone is to randomly pick it up I think. I will say there was great joy for me in finishing Pillars because it was so long. I'm also reading 'Youtube an Insider's Guide to Cilmbing the Chart' byAlan Lastufka & Michael W. Dean. This is much slower going for me though because I have trouble reading information/how to books straight through. It's an entertaining and informative book though so my lack of skills in that kind of reading isn't a comment on it.
2. Where is your favorite place to get your books from?
Generally I get them from Amazon. I like going to the book store but honestly shopping in a store is not my thing. I can go in there with an objective and not end up with what I needed and a million other things I don't or I walk in just wanting to explore and find nothing I like. I don't really like how most book stores are organized either with specific books up front when some awesome little gem is stuck in some dark neglected corner.
3. Name a book you read and did not enjoy.
This one goes to 'The Time Traveler's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger. I read it at camp this summer and I had a lot of people telling me how awesome it was and how I should love it but I just didn't. It was good but not what I wanted it to be. I was also spoiled because someone told me Eric Bana was playing the main male Henry and it just kind of messed with what I had going on in my head for the character. Actually I think knowing Bana was doing the movie killed it for me I just always think of Chopper and that random comedy show he did forever ago. Being shown those by friends and the awful event that was his Hulk movie kind of put me off him for life.
4. How has your taste in books changed over the years? What types of books do you read now as opposed to five years ago?
Well five years ago I was mostly reading things for school so my personal taste hasn't changed to much. I still like historical fiction with a dash of young adult (even if I am 24) and classics. I know I would have finished the Hornblower Series before this time so at 19 I'd say I would have been reading mostly for my Athurian History/English class.
5. When you walk into your favorite bookstore, where do you go? Mystery...Romance...Latest Releases....Non-Fiction...etc?
The problem is I never know where to go. I usually head for general fiction and then over to non-fiction/history/biography. Yes, I like to read the odd biography and history book. What can I say I loved 'Citizen Solider' and 'Band of Brother's' by Stephen Ambrose.
6. If you could have a conversation with any character from a book who would it be?
I'm going to take flack for this but I don't care. I would really love to speak with Charlie from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky. Many events of his life in the book never happened to me but I think as a person I found him extremely relateable. If you haven't read this book you should. At one point I had three copies so I could always have one when the other two were on loan out to my friends. In fact I have it right next to me in my desk drawer.
7. What's next on the book list and what did I just finish?
After World without end I'll be reading 'Paper Towns' by John Green and then 'The Shack' by William P. Young. I know I suck for not having gotten to Paper Towns yet but I had to wate for christmas money and I got 'World Without End' before Paper Towns' came in. I've been putting off 'The Shack' since halloween when my Mom gave me a copy. I promised her I'd read it so I need to make time for it. Previous to starting 'World Without End' I was reading 'The Intimate Adventures of a Call Girl' by Belle de Jour and 'Mansfield Park' by Jane Austin. I think all these qualify my taste as eclectic.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
One of the residents at work has taken to calling me Sophie. She's old and schizophrenic so I'm fine with that and it's become 'SophieKelly' now because letting her call me Sophie can lead to bad bad things like when I don't realize she's speaking to me and she needs something. Today I finally asked her why I'm 'Sophie'. I thought it would be something like she had a friend named Sophie growing up and I reminded her of that friend. Oh no it's much more random and I guess flattering than that. She's taken to calling me Sophie because she thinks I look like Sophia Loren. Um in case you didn't know Sophia Loren is a freaking sex symbol and I am so not. Just for kicks here's a Sophia Loren picture and a picture of me.

I'm so going to take this as a compliment.

I'm so going to take this as a compliment.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Being Productive
This morning while getting ready for work I was thinking 'I get way more done at 5am before I leave for work than I do in the 8ish hours I have after work before going to bed.
I get up at 5am (I have to leave by 6am and am by no means a morning person) I have my yogurt or Special K and diet coke. Up next I check my e-mail, the blogs I read and youtube for new subscription videos. Then it's time to wash my face and do my hair (which takes longer than it should but I have fluffy hair and it's huge in the morning). Then it's make-up and more poking the internet playing with stumble upon and such. All the while I'm usually watching something on the newest mini-episode of Battlestar or something like The Office, Chuck or Doctor Who on dvd. Then it's time to change, shoes and socks and head out the door. On occastion I've also managed to update my i-pod, beat a level in my Iron Chef for the DS game, make a birthday card, wash my dishes, make a mix cd, and lately update this thing most morning.
There's something extremely wrong with this. I know the only things I'll be doing tonight will be doing internet things, watchin some tv, playing my DS, maybe making a few phone calls and e-mailing/chatting with friends. This list should be way longer than the morning list but it's not even close.
I guess it's no news flash, I continue to be a freak of nature.
I get up at 5am (I have to leave by 6am and am by no means a morning person) I have my yogurt or Special K and diet coke. Up next I check my e-mail, the blogs I read and youtube for new subscription videos. Then it's time to wash my face and do my hair (which takes longer than it should but I have fluffy hair and it's huge in the morning). Then it's make-up and more poking the internet playing with stumble upon and such. All the while I'm usually watching something on the newest mini-episode of Battlestar or something like The Office, Chuck or Doctor Who on dvd. Then it's time to change, shoes and socks and head out the door. On occastion I've also managed to update my i-pod, beat a level in my Iron Chef for the DS game, make a birthday card, wash my dishes, make a mix cd, and lately update this thing most morning.
There's something extremely wrong with this. I know the only things I'll be doing tonight will be doing internet things, watchin some tv, playing my DS, maybe making a few phone calls and e-mailing/chatting with friends. This list should be way longer than the morning list but it's not even close.
I guess it's no news flash, I continue to be a freak of nature.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sitcoms and Life
In general I find sitcoms awful and rarely effective as a form of entertainment. the 30 (0r 23ish) min. format does nothing for me. The jokes are basic at best follow awful stereotypes and improbable 'realities'. I can honestly say I never had a Friends phase and that I haven't really been entertained by the show since smelly cat.
As far as I know the best sitcoms have come from the UK. Now don't think I mean out American adaptations here (though American Office is amazing and tops the list for our own 30min. comedy). I think Spaced is possibly one of the best ones out there. If you haven't seen it you should. Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson and their cast of peeps they still do projects with are amazing. The who plot of the show seems oddly rooted in reality (two people who are apartment hunting find a two bedroom apartment and end up sharing pretending to be in a relationship). Tim and Daisy frequently daydream and we get to see and relate to these ideas they dream up. For example wanting to kill your ex's new man, thinking of yourself as successful when you're still failing, falling asleep playing a video game and dreaming you're in it.
Maybe I love it so much because it's rooted in the same sense of humor for example this exchange when Tim has to play paintball ont he same team as his ex's new man:
"Is that the first time you've seen him since....?"
"Yes, I think I was cool I mean, I could have smashed his face in, I could have set fire to him but I didn't."
"What'll you do next ?"
"Set him on fire."
So what's this all about? I have no idea. It's 5:30am and I'm watching Spaced while getting ready for work. it makes my heart smile.
As far as I know the best sitcoms have come from the UK. Now don't think I mean out American adaptations here (though American Office is amazing and tops the list for our own 30min. comedy). I think Spaced is possibly one of the best ones out there. If you haven't seen it you should. Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson and their cast of peeps they still do projects with are amazing. The who plot of the show seems oddly rooted in reality (two people who are apartment hunting find a two bedroom apartment and end up sharing pretending to be in a relationship). Tim and Daisy frequently daydream and we get to see and relate to these ideas they dream up. For example wanting to kill your ex's new man, thinking of yourself as successful when you're still failing, falling asleep playing a video game and dreaming you're in it.
Maybe I love it so much because it's rooted in the same sense of humor for example this exchange when Tim has to play paintball ont he same team as his ex's new man:
"Is that the first time you've seen him since....?"
"Yes, I think I was cool I mean, I could have smashed his face in, I could have set fire to him but I didn't."
"What'll you do next ?"
"Set him on fire."
So what's this all about? I have no idea. It's 5:30am and I'm watching Spaced while getting ready for work. it makes my heart smile.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Curious Case of Brad Pitt's Hottness
You should go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons. Some of the things I loved, the theme of time and clocks, the epic sweeping romance, the sweet bits of humor, the amount of crying I did. Seriously go see it because I don't want to spoil it. I will say one of the most subtle yet heart wrenching scenes for me wasn't performed by Brad Pitt or Kate Blanchett but by Julia Ormond. It still gave testament to these two great actors to give me that emotional swing though.
I think my biggest thing with the film was how stunning Brad Pitt is. I know this is no great news flash. I have known he was handsome and sexiest man a few times in my life. I think I noticed it so much in this film because He's not completely himself for the majority of it. You see him old for so long that when he reaches the point where little makeup is needed you're stunned by him. I know David Finches directorial choices are a huge part of this. The theme of gold tones though the film makes the whole thing stunning as well.
Having not read the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story I'll have to do so to see how they hold up against one another. In all honesty I think this may be one of the extremely rare cases where the film is better than the book. I'll be sure to get back to you on that though.
I think my biggest thing with the film was how stunning Brad Pitt is. I know this is no great news flash. I have known he was handsome and sexiest man a few times in my life. I think I noticed it so much in this film because He's not completely himself for the majority of it. You see him old for so long that when he reaches the point where little makeup is needed you're stunned by him. I know David Finches directorial choices are a huge part of this. The theme of gold tones though the film makes the whole thing stunning as well.
Having not read the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story I'll have to do so to see how they hold up against one another. In all honesty I think this may be one of the extremely rare cases where the film is better than the book. I'll be sure to get back to you on that though.
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