Monday, January 26, 2009


So in case you missed it my neighbor is a drag queen. Yeah, rewind a few entries and you can read more about it. The short version is he's a drag queen who lives with his twice ex wife is a recovering drug addict on parole and in treatment for hep C.

Today he sent me to the drugstore with his ex-wife/roomie to make copies of pictures. These were all the latest picture of him in drag which I took. Then we get back and an hour later he knocks on my door and gives me a copy with a sentimental message on it.

Yes, this is sweet and all but it made me realize more and more than 'Rave' (his alter-ego the drag queen) has been coming out more and more. Now I adore him anyways but when taking a 300lbs 6' 4'' man around in public the last thing you need him to do is launch into 'Rave' the bitchy southern woman at the checkout counter. The other day he got toilet paper for free because the plastic got caught in the belt. Rave was about to 'knock a bitch out'. He then pulled out the brick he keeps in his handbag just in case.

I think all this has happened because the guy across the hall who was always just 'the dude across the hall' had his boyfriend move in last week. This boyfriend also does drag. Once 'Rave's' ex-wife moves out later this week I will be the only a)heterosexual, b)real female downstairs.

When I pictured having my own apartment I didn't imagine it quite like this. My life really does feel like a sitcom/HBO special at times.

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