Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sitcoms and Life

In general I find sitcoms awful and rarely effective as a form of entertainment. the 30 (0r 23ish) min. format does nothing for me. The jokes are basic at best follow awful stereotypes and improbable 'realities'. I can honestly say I never had a Friends phase and that I haven't really been entertained by the show since smelly cat.

As far as I know the best sitcoms have come from the UK. Now don't think I mean out American adaptations here (though American Office is amazing and tops the list for our own 30min. comedy). I think Spaced is possibly one of the best ones out there. If you haven't seen it you should. Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson and their cast of peeps they still do projects with are amazing. The who plot of the show seems oddly rooted in reality (two people who are apartment hunting find a two bedroom apartment and end up sharing pretending to be in a relationship). Tim and Daisy frequently daydream and we get to see and relate to these ideas they dream up. For example wanting to kill your ex's new man, thinking of yourself as successful when you're still failing, falling asleep playing a video game and dreaming you're in it.

Maybe I love it so much because it's rooted in the same sense of humor for example this exchange when Tim has to play paintball ont he same team as his ex's new man:

"Is that the first time you've seen him since....?"

"Yes, I think I was cool I mean, I could have smashed his face in, I could have set fire to him but I didn't."

"What'll you do next ?"

"Set him on fire."

So what's this all about? I have no idea. It's 5:30am and I'm watching Spaced while getting ready for work. it makes my heart smile.

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