Ah yes wine and a blog. Sounds like a good way to end this bizarre day I've had.
5:44a My neighbor called me to 'say hi'. I didn't have to go to work till 3pm needless to saying 'hi' wasn't exactly what I wanted to do.
1:30p I'm getting ready for work and my neighbor frantically calls me from Dollar General demanding I bring his twice ex-wife there to help sort out this refund he needs to get. He's all screamy and I was so not a fan. Did I mention I was getting ready for work?
3:00p I walk in to work and things are immediately strange. I don't know what just yet but things are for sure off.
3:30p I'm informed people have been peeing and pouring bleach in my house plants I brought to work. That's right peeing and pouring bleach in the house plants that sit in the dining room of the mental health facility where I work. These people have been exposing all residents and employees to bio and chemical hazards for some stupid reason I don't understand. Did I do anything to them? No. I stood up for my rights as a human to be treated as such and now they're doing this. It's just sick.
6:00p My boss turns up and confirms the situation. I can't get rid of the plants because they're 'evidence' so they have to stay sitting in the window in the dining room till the whole thing is resolved.
11:00p I call my Mom and she thinks I should quit. I don't even know what to think anymore. It all just makes me laugh because it's so ridicules.
12:00a I sit down with some wine to write my blog. It's been a weird day.
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