Quote of the night/week: "I hope no Doctors are coming her tonight with an attitude about my genitals."
How to react when a for serious crazy person (because what normal one would?) say this to you:
1. Do not laugh. It's tempting to see this as a joke when a large old man is saying this to you from an arm chair across the room completely out of the blue but do not laugh.
2. Promise no one is coming for his genitals. I would say this one is fairly obvious because if someone who happened to be a Doctor was coming it wouldn't be in the middle of the night and the only attitude they would have would be one of concern for his lack of showering and the over use of the big ol' bottle of lotion by his bed.
3. Go back to what you were doing and keep trying not to laugh. For me this was watching Bones. Thankfully it was a corpse so I was grossed out not amused by a social faux pau one of the eccentrically brainy characters had made.
And that friends is a lesson on how to field random questions from crazytown.
In more my real life related news I managed to sleep six and a half hours today! This sounds stupid but it's hard for me to sleep in the daytime so a solid block of sleep like this is a true triumph. I had dreams about Bones because that's what I'm watching at work this week. I also made shrimp friend rice today which sounds weird because I just got up but I was really hungry! No worries I'll have cereal at work for dinner to make up for the weird breakfast.
I really love the green goodness bathhouse smoothies not just because they're tasty and a good source of veggies/fruits for the days I don't eat a ton of that but because it grosses out everyone at work. They don't eat green things or anything that isn't meat or a carb. They had meatloaf last night and the one lady sat and picked out the onions and sun dried tomatoes that were in it. Mind you this is a staff person not a resident her quote 'she just doesn't eat those kinds of things' the nurse has been a bit critical of her diet because we really do set a food example for the residents. If we don't eat it a lot of the time they won't and then it'll be a row of turkey sandwiches for dinner instead of the really nice meat loaf.
Sorry all the food talk lately. I have a sad life that centers on work, sleep and food this week.
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