Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I woke up with no voice this morning. Well I couldn't breathe much either both of which were annoying more than likely connected to my icky gross sickness.

Today I haven't done much other than hang out and watch Bones. I downloaded Caprica the pilot for the new BSG-verse show that's going to be on Sci-fi this fall... well they say it is but the life of scripted shows for tv is a complicated thing and it could be canned before then.

This blog has now been interrupted by dinner which is baby Brussels sprouts and chicken sausage. Good stuff people, good stuff.

I have a love/hate relationship with single serving packs of food. I'm stupid as to what a normal portion size is because I'm a.)American and b.) spaghetti with cheese with a meal to my family growing up. So anyways the portion of food is a bit confusing to me because pasta should be a side dish and I can't comprehend this with pasta or most other carbs. So single serving foods help me out a lot to keep meals balanced and such. What I hate about these single surving packed foods is the amount of packing involved. These single packs usually come in a huge box wrapped in their own plastic as well as plastic inside the box or in little plastic trays that you can't really recycle. So yes, my better relationship with food is contributiong to killing the enviornment.

So I work tonight which will be special because I don't care for the night shift. I'm taking my kleenex anti-viral in hopes of not passing my germs on.

Now I'm off to actually wat the rest of Tom Milsom's blogtv show.

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