Saturday, April 26, 2008

From the Start

Everything has a beginning and this is mine with blogger. I've had other blogs before but they've always ended up as places where I've eventually had to edit myself before so and do might be reading with filters and friends lists and 'this will upset that person' and so no. I've come to blogger to make a fresh start. No one knows me here (unless you're extremely clever and stalker-like) which is exactly what I want from this blog.

So what could one expect to find here?

Well I'm not exactly sure yet but as I said above it won't be edited because I'm afraid of hurting someones feelings. I have some things coming up that will no doubt make the cut for posts here such as a trip to Scotland, relocating to a summer camp once again for the summer, seeing new cities, meeting new people, I will no doubt be grumpy an ramble a good bit. There might be a few stories from (in my opinion) my not so average childhood. You may learn a little about where I may or may not live if you stick around.

I should clarify I'm not really writing for an audience but by doing this saying I don't want comments and such would be a lie. I'm of a generation of attention whores who's parents spoiled them rotten so I love the attention as much as any other 33(ish) person or younger. We're all drama queens and scene stealer's in someway even if it is only in our heads where we think just how awesome it would be if we could bash in the head of our Boss causing everyone to chant out name. So this is my way to step out of my own head a bit.

I think that's enough for now. If you've seen this I hope you have a good day, remember everything is better with cheese... unless you have lactose issues.

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