Sunday, April 27, 2008

I love working with teens. They're cool, I learn things from them and they're close enough in age to where I don't feel like a seriously old person. However, I don't like how matters of religion, christian life and purity are taught to them. If they're going to have sex they're going to have sex. It might hurt a little they could get their heart broken in the process but over all sex is fun. No lie there folks if your sex doesn't at least feel good I feel sorry for you. Anyways back to the kids... half of the phrases and things used to illustrate the points didn't even make sense to them. Honestly I though 'damaged goods' was a commonly used phrase but we had to explain it. I hate the phrase and things but at least they know what it means now.

So here are a few interesting things I learned about/from high school students tonight:
1. They barely remember tapes.
2. Brutal honesty is best served with pizza.
3. They know way more about that they want to be when they grow up than I do.
4. Having good friends is the only way to make it through grades 7-12.
5. There's a movie about a syphilis outbreak in a high school and it's "good".
6. Drama Club politics never really change.

And because I'm in a listing mood here's the Top 5 pets I've always wished I could have:
1. Giraffe
2. Koala
3. Raccoon
4. Hippo
5. Armadillo

Yes, I know hippos are dangerous and the other choices would require a zoo permit but a girl can dream.

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