Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Book Meme I found

1. What are you currently reading? If you're not reading anything right now, what was the last book you read?

I'm reading 'World Without End' by Ken Follett. It's the kind of sequel to his other book 'Pillars of the Earth'. It's pretty great so far and Pillars was awesome. They're a bit daunting though because they're quite look and the larger the book the less likely someone is to randomly pick it up I think. I will say there was great joy for me in finishing Pillars because it was so long. I'm also reading 'Youtube an Insider's Guide to Cilmbing the Chart' byAlan Lastufka & Michael W. Dean. This is much slower going for me though because I have trouble reading information/how to books straight through. It's an entertaining and informative book though so my lack of skills in that kind of reading isn't a comment on it.

2. Where is your favorite place to get your books from?

Generally I get them from Amazon. I like going to the book store but honestly shopping in a store is not my thing. I can go in there with an objective and not end up with what I needed and a million other things I don't or I walk in just wanting to explore and find nothing I like. I don't really like how most book stores are organized either with specific books up front when some awesome little gem is stuck in some dark neglected corner.

3. Name a book you read and did not enjoy.

This one goes to 'The Time Traveler's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger. I read it at camp this summer and I had a lot of people telling me how awesome it was and how I should love it but I just didn't. It was good but not what I wanted it to be. I was also spoiled because someone told me Eric Bana was playing the main male Henry and it just kind of messed with what I had going on in my head for the character. Actually I think knowing Bana was doing the movie killed it for me I just always think of Chopper and that random comedy show he did forever ago. Being shown those by friends and the awful event that was his Hulk movie kind of put me off him for life.

4. How has your taste in books changed over the years? What types of books do you read now as opposed to five years ago?

Well five years ago I was mostly reading things for school so my personal taste hasn't changed to much. I still like historical fiction with a dash of young adult (even if I am 24) and classics. I know I would have finished the Hornblower Series before this time so at 19 I'd say I would have been reading mostly for my Athurian History/English class.

5. When you walk into your favorite bookstore, where do you go? Mystery...Romance...Latest Releases....Non-Fiction...etc?

The problem is I never know where to go. I usually head for general fiction and then over to non-fiction/history/biography. Yes, I like to read the odd biography and history book. What can I say I loved 'Citizen Solider' and 'Band of Brother's' by Stephen Ambrose.

6. If you could have a conversation with any character from a book who would it be?

I'm going to take flack for this but I don't care. I would really love to speak with Charlie from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky. Many events of his life in the book never happened to me but I think as a person I found him extremely relateable. If you haven't read this book you should. At one point I had three copies so I could always have one when the other two were on loan out to my friends. In fact I have it right next to me in my desk drawer.

7. What's next on the book list and what did I just finish?

After World without end I'll be reading 'Paper Towns' by John Green and then 'The Shack' by William P. Young. I know I suck for not having gotten to Paper Towns yet but I had to wate for christmas money and I got 'World Without End' before Paper Towns' came in. I've been putting off 'The Shack' since halloween when my Mom gave me a copy. I promised her I'd read it so I need to make time for it. Previous to starting 'World Without End' I was reading 'The Intimate Adventures of a Call Girl' by Belle de Jour and 'Mansfield Park' by Jane Austin. I think all these qualify my taste as eclectic.

1 comment:

JustSal said...

What an interesting questionnaire. You have quite an expansive genre of books you like to read. Do you mind if I use this questionnaire on my blog?

I read The time travellers wife and thought it was about 200 pages too long. I have since heard about Eric Bana playing the lead of Henry. Whilst Bana's 'Hulk' was well not the best movie ever made. If you get the chance have a look at his film 'Romulus, my father'. Its one of the first books to movie collaborations I've seen in which the movie didn't massacre the book.

Have you seen the TV adaptation of The Intimate Adventures of a Call Girl - named Secret Diary of a call girl with Billie Piper as 'Belle?'

Sorry I've just realised I've left half a novel in your comments section.