Thursday, November 27, 2008

And back to the regularly scheduled program

So when I said there would be picture Friday I had intended to do it every Friday. What I didn't anticipate was not taking any pictures till I left work and it was dark and nothing was interesting. I decided to do picture Friday and Saturday... but then I didn't. Monday I took a great picture of the power plant and accidentally deleted it (isn't that always the way). I just decided to go for it today and post what I had... which isn't much.

This would be the traffic from my drive home on Friday night. The car had some 'special' bumper stickers but you can't really see them in the picture or read them. They were really contradictory things about the war in Iraq though. One was support the troops and the other was about killing innocent people. I couldn't help but think those two opinions would make for a complicated marriage.
Once again in the car and in the dark. Yes, it's that dark at 5:30pm in Ohio. It sucks and I hate it.

This would be the yummy cheese and blueberry danish I got a Tim Horton's the other day. Manda and I had lunch talking of Justin Timberlake and the crazy that is holiday time with y family. There's one quote (not by Manda) that a friend told me that will forever stay with me. "Considering your up bringing and family life it's a wonder you're a normal as you are." So yes, that sums up my family.
And because I suck I added a bonus picture of myself making several bad fashion choices.

I know I've also forgotten the random 5 lately so that's back today too.
Random 5 Favorite Thanksgiving foods:
1. Sweet Potatoes (which I made this year)
2. Mashed Potatoes
3. Turkey
4. Pudding Pie
5. .... I don't really have a fifth. I actually don't care for thanksgiving that much.

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