Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Holiday with a side of grumble

Today is christmas eve and I'm looking forward to the resident party at work soooo much more than my family one. Even with hightened anxity that could potentially be dangerous I would so much rather be there than with my crazy extended family. 35 people crammed into my parents house to complain about the food, weather, political situation, that I'm late because I have work and not exchange gifts because... well because they're cheap. We're not talking full on gift buying everyone buys for everyone but an adult exchange that was canceled so everyone buys one less gift.

Yes, I am a Grinch. I am a Grinch due to the actions of others who are passive aggressive and do their Grinch like activities on the sly that ends up not being so sly. For example repeated demands of 'making the schedule better' aren't going to happen. Yes, I'm 23 and your 59 but I'm more eduicated and experienced than you so I got daylight. Get over it. In the world professionals your age has no effect on your seniority especially since we all have the exact same start date.

In other news it could be 60 degrees by the weekend!?!?!?! WTF global warming! WTF!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

It's okay, I'm feeling rather grinch like myself. BAH HUMBUG.