Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I dreamed last night that as part of Civilization (the game) you have to build stores for celebrities. For example I'm playing as France and Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen wanted a store in Lyon and Paris Hilton wanted one in Paris. Then Robin Williams wanted to open a store in an Indian city that defected to France. Crazy right? That's what I get for watching e! news while playing Civilization before bed.

In slightly less weird news... I had my second interview yesterday. I think it went well the guy told me I have 'great interviewing skills and give well thought out answers'. I don't' really know how to take that. Is is really complimenting me or is he calling me fake for not being more candid. I want to think it's a good sign but I don't want to get my hopes up.

With nothing to do today (aside from taking my neighbor to see his parole officer) I plan on watching the Office most of the day and finishing up the two Christmas presents I'm making that need to be mailed really far.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I've been having really weird dreams lately too. Must be something in the air or something. But I'm not gonna lie, that dream game sounds pretty fun, haha.