Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I think I'm dying. Not really but I haven't been sick since Oct. so it's been awhile since I've felt this poopy and it seems worse than death because in death I doubt your nose drips semi-liquids. That was gross. Sorry.

So anyways I'm sick and it's my day off so I'm laying around enjoying my bed and the wireless at my parents house because I am a.)to sick to do anything else. b.) to lazy to do anything else and c.) all my old tissues are in a plastic bag under my pillow and if I do move the dog will get them and make a huge mess. (he has a passion for used tissues like none other).

On the upside I have nonapreils aka fancy snow caps from easter and am enjoying those. I'm also catching up on Bones. Why wasn't I watching this show before? Oh right I never watch the American Idol channel because I even hate American Idol commercials.

Things I still need to do today:
-get dressed not in pj's but clothes i can go out in.
-pack up my stuff
-get some groceries
-return to my apartment
-take the trash out
-call about new apartments to move to. (tomorrow)

eh. I'll be up and going by 3:30 I'll give myself 45 mins. Procrastination FTW!

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