Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BEDA:Twenty One

I get really jealous of those who have poetic skills and music ability that can translate into writing their own songs. Sure I can play a crap ton of instruments but none of them are useful when it comes to writing music. I got a piano for my 13th (?) birthday and never did anything with it! I'm such a moron. What makes this harder is that I don't have any musical friend either. I don't have a single friend who plays piano or guitar to a level where they could teach me in exchange for food. (Yes, food. I like to cook!) So the long and the short of this is I think I might take some lessons of some kind on I think the guitar once I move and get settled again. Lessons cost money though and I'm trying not to spend money because I want to go on vacation in Aug. More on my vacation plans tomorrow though. For now I have to pack up my stuff and head to my apartment because I have some Doctor Who to watch. <33333 Series 4 where Donna brings the awesome. That's right I love Donna the most.

Yeah, worst blog ever but I don't care because... well because I want to be watching Doctor Who more than blogging.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I think you should vacay in Korea. Just sayin ;)